The Surroundings
St. Mary's College
Centre Rear of Main Building -
Rear of Main Building -  Side Handball Court Side
Dock on the Waterfront
Rear of Main Building - Root Cellar Side
Change House at Waterfront
Root Cellar & Tennis Court
Statue of Mary
Who took care of this?
Entrance to Good Shepherd Chapel
Good Shepherd Chapel Altar
Good Shepherd Chapel Choir Loft and Organ
Main Entrance to the School
The Mural
MacDonnell Hall Entrance
Murray Hall
The New
Grenville Christian College - 2003
The School from the Highway
Grotto Then
Grotto Now
Entrance Way Arch
Gerard House
St. Jerome House
Boiler House
Cornerstone of the School
Boiler House from the Back
St. Mary's
College - 1936
St. Mary's College - 1922
The Barn
St. Mary's College - 1948
The Old Potato Field Now
Once the Handball Courts and the Rinks